Sunday Dec 19, 2021
Ep. 19 ”Here comes the Bride” Genesis 24
Sunday Dec 19, 2021
Sunday Dec 19, 2021
Sermon Notes:
Text: Genesis 24:61-67
Context: Genesis 24
(Groom, Bride, Wedding)
Title: Here Comes the Bride
Theme: The Bride of Jesus Christ
Key Verse: v.65
Type – “A divinely appointed illustration of some scriptural truth.”
Derived from Greek word “tupos” – impression, stamp, pattern, or form
“A type must never be used to teach a doctrine, but only to illustrate a doctrine elsewhere explicitly taught.” – Dr. J. Edwin Hartill
John 3:14 14And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up:
Serpent = the sin of the people. They needed to look to it for healing.
Christ was made sin for us on the cross of Calvary. HE bore our sins.
As Moses lifted up the Serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up.” – A divinely appointed illustration
1 Corinthians 5:7 7Purge out therefore the old leaven, that ye may be a new lump, as ye are unleavened. For even Christ our passover is sacrificed for us:
Leaven – “evil” You have to stop the leavening process or the bread just keeps rising higher and higher “PURGED”
O.T. Days after the feast of the Passover they would have the feast of unleavened bread. So Paul is saying here, that Christ is our Passover, and that we should purge the leaven and be a new lump.
A divinely appointed illustration
First, let’s go to the interpretation, and then we will focus on the Type presented to us in this scripture
· Let’s look at the cast of Characters for this story; (literal interpretation)
A. The Father (Abraham)
o “Abraham was old, and well stricken with age” (Gen 24:1) He was about 140 years old
o Women in Canaan were idolatrous and wicked, so he turned his attention to Haran where he had once been, and his brother Nahor had established a family.
o Note: the way had been paved for Abraham to now send his servant to find his son a bride.
B. The Faithful (Unnamed Servant)
o It is rather obvious that the servant here is a man named Eliezer
o Genesis 24:2 2And Abraham said unto his eldest servant of his house, that ruled over all that he had, Put, I pray thee, thy hand under my thigh:
o Genesis 15:2 2And Abram said, LORD GOD, what wilt thou give me, seeing I go childless, and the steward of my house is this Eliezer of Damascus?
o However, in this story he is unnamed, you will see why later on in the message.
o He traveled a great journey that was well planned and thought out
o He would stand by a well and would ask for a drink, the woman who would give him water and then also draw water for his camels also, would be the woman for Isaac. (This was a hard test, 10 camels, 5 gallons each) Rebekah passed this test with flying colors -v. 12-20
o The servant gives Rebekah earrings and bracelts and when he learns of who she is begins worshipping and praising God.
o The Servant tells Rebekah who he is and she runs home to tell her Mother
C. The Flesh (Laban) – v.29-33
o Rebekah’s brother Laban was very interested in one thing – riches
o When he saw the gifts the Servant had given Rebekah, he went out to meet him
o He was also given gifts, but would later try and hinder the Servants work seeing that he was interested in pleasing his flesh by asking 10 more days with Rebekah (grieving, quenching his work)
D. The Follower (Rebekah)
o From the moment Rebekah met the Servant she was interested in the man he spoke
o After they had met, he was invited in the home and told Rebekah’s family his mission and his encounter with Rebekah
o NOTE: Everything that happened was very natural, and nothing was done by force. There was nothing mystical, magical, or mysterious. Abraham’s servant spoke of Abraham’s Son and Rebekah was willing to be the Bride– v.58 “I will go”
E. The Forbearer (Isaac)
o Isaac waited for his father’s servant to do his work. His work was already done
o The servant is taking Rebekah home to her Groom when she see’s him afar off – v.62-65
o Note: Isaac’s work was finished, the Servant was the one who called the Bride not him. He waited patiently to meet his Bride. Rebekah see’s him afar off. Before she meets him she covers herself with a vail.
In this story, we have a Divinely Appointed Illustration of Jesus Christ and His Bride (The Church)
Outline: (Divine Illustration)
I. The Father – Abraham is a type of God the Father
o Abraham sending his servant to fetch a bride for his son, after the way had been paved is a Divine Illustration of God the Father.
o “It was thus, in a past eternity, that the eternal God took counsel with Himself in regard to His Son. He would have a bride for His Son, one fit for Him, one capable of sharing the lofty position that was Him. He would send the Holy Spirit into the world to find that Bride – but not until Calvary had paved the way.”
- Dr. John Phillips, Exploring Genesis
o “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ: according as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before hi in love.” – Eph 1:3-4
II. The Faithful – Unnamed Servant is a type of The Holy Spirit
o The Servant was unnamed, he went on doing the will of Abraham with Isaac in mind. This is a Divine illustration of the Holy Spirit!
o Unnamed man is a type of the Holy Spirit in scripture
o The Holy Spirit does not draw attention to himself (unnamed)
o The Holy Spirit draws attention to the Son
o He is seeking out for Christ His Bride
o Note: His message to Rebekah was simple and to the point and constantly pointed to Isaac with Abraham’s will in mind. At one moment, she had no idea who Isaac was, but after a simple message from his servant, she was hooked.
o Rebekah’s family wanted to hold her back and let her wait – v.56 “Hinder me not”
III. The Flesh - Laban (The Worldly Sinner)
o When the servant came he was focused on the riches
o This is a divine illustration of the World – (2 Tim 4:3,4)
- (pleasure) his heart was focused on the riches not the message
- (religion)The world tries religion, but they want it in a way that is pleasing to them and convenient.
- “For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?” – Mark 8:36
IV. The Follower - Rebekah (The Bride, The Church)
o “There was something about the story of Isaac that kindled a response in her heart. She had never seen him, had come to know him indeed solely by the Word of the servant, but already felt that she knew him. Already gave him her heart.”
- Dr. John Phillips, Exploring Genesis
o How intently the sinner under conviction of the Holy Spirit listens to the message of God.
o How much faith the sinner shows when making the decision to walk by Faith and accept the message of God
o The more Rebekah heard, the more real Isaac became.
o When she saw him, she covered herself with a vail. As Rebekah was clothed with the vail, we are clothed with the Righteousness of Jesus Christ.
o Romans 5:8-11
V. The Forbearer - Isaac (The Precious Son of God)
o Isaac was a well digger, he was at Moriah and his work was done. He was now waiting for his bride.
o Calvary is done, Jesus Christ said “It is Finished!” He’s in communion with the Father and He waits.
o “For Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.”
o “Wilt thou go with this man? And she said, ‘I WILL GO!’”
I. The Father – Abraham is a type of God the Father
II. The Faithful – Unnamed Servant is a type of The Holy Spirit
III. The Flesh - Laban (The Worldly Sinner)
IV. The Follower - Rebekah (The Bride, The Church)
V. The Forbearer - Isaac (The Precious Son of God)
We have the Wedding party, now let’s have a wedding. (read Genesis 24:67)
Revelation 19:7-10
- The Table is set
- The Father is the host
- The Son is the Groom
- The guest “The friends of the Bridegroom” and also called “Daughters of Jerusalem” these are the Old Testament Saints.
- John the Baptist called himself a friend of the Bridegroom, Jesus said in Matthew 11:11 “among them that are born of women there hath not risen a greater than John the Baptist” this very well makes him the best man.
- And then, in a fine linen, clean and white “Here Comes the Bride” for the fine linen is the righteousness of Saints
- The Honeymoon is ready – The King of Kings and Lord of Lord’s will take His Bride and we will go with Him as He destroys His enemies, binds up satan, and sets up His Kingdom.
"There is a Fountain" and "Jesus paid it all" performed by A Capella Hymns.
"Camel Train - The Eliezer Call" performed by Billy Kelly
A special thank you to my friend Dave Compton for the opening and closing remarks
Text: Genesis 24:61-67
Context: Genesis 24
(Groom, Bride, Wedding)
Title: Here Comes the Bride
Theme: The Bride of Jesus Christ
Key Verse: v.65
Type – “A divinely appointed illustration of some scriptural truth.”
Derived from Greek word “tupos” – impression, stamp, pattern, or form
“A type must never be used to teach a doctrine, but only to illustrate a doctrine elsewhere explicitly taught.” – Dr. J. Edwin Hartill
John 3:14 14And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up:
Serpent = the sin of the people. They needed to look to it for healing.
Christ was made sin for us on the cross of Calvary. HE bore our sins.
As Moses lifted up the Serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up.” – A divinely appointed illustration
1 Corinthians 5:7 7Purge out therefore the old leaven, that ye may be a new lump, as ye are unleavened. For even Christ our passover is sacrificed for us:
Leaven – “evil” You have to stop the leavening process or the bread just keeps rising higher and higher “PURGED”
O.T. Days after the feast of the Passover they would have the feast of unleavened bread. So Paul is saying here, that Christ is our Passover, and that we should purge the leaven and be a new lump.
A divinely appointed illustration
First, let’s go to the interpretation, and then we will focus on the Type presented to us in this scripture
· Let’s look at the cast of Characters for this story; (literal interpretation)
A. The Father (Abraham)
o “Abraham was old, and well stricken with age” (Gen 24:1) He was about 140 years old
o Women in Canaan were idolatrous and wicked, so he turned his attention to Haran where he had once been, and his brother Nahor had established a family.
o Note: the way had been paved for Abraham to now send his servant to find his son a bride.
B. The Faithful (Unnamed Servant)
o It is rather obvious that the servant here is a man named Eliezer
o Genesis 24:2 2And Abraham said unto his eldest servant of his house, that ruled over all that he had, Put, I pray thee, thy hand under my thigh:
o Genesis 15:2 2And Abram said, LORD GOD, what wilt thou give me, seeing I go childless, and the steward of my house is this Eliezer of Damascus?
o However, in this story he is unnamed, you will see why later on in the message.
o He traveled a great journey that was well planned and thought out
o He would stand by a well and would ask for a drink, the woman who would give him water and then also draw water for his camels also, would be the woman for Isaac. (This was a hard test, 10 camels, 5 gallons each) Rebekah passed this test with flying colors -v. 12-20
o The servant gives Rebekah earrings and bracelts and when he learns of who she is begins worshipping and praising God.
o The Servant tells Rebekah who he is and she runs home to tell her Mother
C. The Flesh (Laban) – v.29-33
o Rebekah’s brother Laban was very interested in one thing – riches
o When he saw the gifts the Servant had given Rebekah, he went out to meet him
o He was also given gifts, but would later try and hinder the Servants work seeing that he was interested in pleasing his flesh by asking 10 more days with Rebekah (grieving, quenching his work)
D. The Follower (Rebekah)
o From the moment Rebekah met the Servant she was interested in the man he spoke
o After they had met, he was invited in the home and told Rebekah’s family his mission and his encounter with Rebekah
o NOTE: Everything that happened was very natural, and nothing was done by force. There was nothing mystical, magical, or mysterious. Abraham’s servant spoke of Abraham’s Son and Rebekah was willing to be the Bride– v.58 “I will go”
E. The Forbearer (Isaac)
o Isaac waited for his father’s servant to do his work. His work was already done
o The servant is taking Rebekah home to her Groom when she see’s him afar off – v.62-65
o Note: Isaac’s work was finished, the Servant was the one who called the Bride not him. He waited patiently to meet his Bride. Rebekah see’s him afar off. Before she meets him she covers herself with a vail.
In this story, we have a Divinely Appointed Illustration of Jesus Christ and His Bride (The Church)
Outline: (Divine Illustration)
I. The Father – Abraham is a type of God the Father
o Abraham sending his servant to fetch a bride for his son, after the way had been paved is a Divine Illustration of God the Father.
o “It was thus, in a past eternity, that the eternal God took counsel with Himself in regard to His Son. He would have a bride for His Son, one fit for Him, one capable of sharing the lofty position that was Him. He would send the Holy Spirit into the world to find that Bride – but not until Calvary had paved the way.”
- Dr. John Phillips, Exploring Genesis
o “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ: according as he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world, that we should be holy and without blame before hi in love.” – Eph 1:3-4
II. The Faithful – Unnamed Servant is a type of The Holy Spirit
o The Servant was unnamed, he went on doing the will of Abraham with Isaac in mind. This is a Divine illustration of the Holy Spirit!
o Unnamed man is a type of the Holy Spirit in scripture
o The Holy Spirit does not draw attention to himself (unnamed)
o The Holy Spirit draws attention to the Son
o He is seeking out for Christ His Bride
o Note: His message to Rebekah was simple and to the point and constantly pointed to Isaac with Abraham’s will in mind. At one moment, she had no idea who Isaac was, but after a simple message from his servant, she was hooked.
o Rebekah’s family wanted to hold her back and let her wait – v.56 “Hinder me not”
III. The Flesh - Laban (The Worldly Sinner)
o When the servant came he was focused on the riches
o This is a divine illustration of the World – (2 Tim 4:3,4)
- (pleasure) his heart was focused on the riches not the message
- (religion)The world tries religion, but they want it in a way that is pleasing to them and convenient.
- “For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?” – Mark 8:36
IV. The Follower - Rebekah (The Bride, The Church)
o “There was something about the story of Isaac that kindled a response in her heart. She had never seen him, had come to know him indeed solely by the Word of the servant, but already felt that she knew him. Already gave him her heart.”
- Dr. John Phillips, Exploring Genesis
o How intently the sinner under conviction of the Holy Spirit listens to the message of God.
o How much faith the sinner shows when making the decision to walk by Faith and accept the message of God
o The more Rebekah heard, the more real Isaac became.
o When she saw him, she covered herself with a vail. As Rebekah was clothed with the vail, we are clothed with the Righteousness of Jesus Christ.
o Romans 5:8-11
V. The Forbearer - Isaac (The Precious Son of God)
o Isaac was a well digger, he was at Moriah and his work was done. He was now waiting for his bride.
o Calvary is done, Jesus Christ said “It is Finished!” He’s in communion with the Father and He waits.
o “For Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.”
o “Wilt thou go with this man? And she said, ‘I WILL GO!’”
I. The Father – Abraham is a type of God the Father
II. The Faithful – Unnamed Servant is a type of The Holy Spirit
III. The Flesh - Laban (The Worldly Sinner)
IV. The Follower - Rebekah (The Bride, The Church)
V. The Forbearer - Isaac (The Precious Son of God)
We have the Wedding party, now let’s have a wedding. (read Genesis 24:67)
Revelation 19:7-10
- The Table is set
- The Father is the host
- The Son is the Groom
- The guest “The friends of the Bridegroom” and also called “Daughters of Jerusalem” these are the Old Testament Saints.
- John the Baptist called himself a friend of the Bridegroom, Jesus said in Matthew 11:11 “among them that are born of women there hath not risen a greater than John the Baptist” this very well makes him the best man.
- And then, in a fine linen, clean and white “Here Comes the Bride” for the fine linen is the righteousness of Saints
- The Honeymoon is ready – The King of Kings and Lord of Lord’s will take His Bride and we will go with Him as He destroys His enemies, binds up satan, and sets up His Kingdom.
"There is a Fountain" and "Jesus paid it all" performed by A Capella Hymns.
"Camel Train - The Eliezer Call" performed by Billy Kelly
A special thank you to my friend Dave Compton for the opening and closing remarks
Version: 20241125
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